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Clear, Balancing & Harmonize your Chakra System with the Krystic Energy System®!


Expect 1.5 - 2 hours for a session. A session can last longer as time allows for the client and the KES Server.


Once you have payed for your session, I will contact you via your email within 1-2 business days so we can schedule a day and time convenient for you.


Once you have payed for your sessions, I will contact you via your email within 1-2 business days so we can schedule a day and time convenient for you for your first session.


Before each session, please compile a list your healing intentions for the session. Your intentions can include physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual challenges, such as issues with relationships, money, abundance, health, feeling disconnected, anxiety, blocked or stuck energy, feeling unworthy, pain, lack of confidence, loneliness, imbalances, feeling lost, etc. 


The Krystic Energy System® is a newly manifested technology that Shekinah and Sananda have brought from a future timeline of Earth’s Golden Age. This celestial healing technology connects the practitioner to the Cosmic, Galactic, Solar and Earth fields of consciousness and frequency bandwidths, that allows the practitioner to go well beyond the context of healing. This Krystic Energy System® has been transported through time and is birthed from extensive knowledge of the human light body and Golden Age Science. This Energy system has the potential to alter the very fabric of what is considered ‘healing’ , and upscale the efficacy and practice of any and all modalities that one has already learned from previous certifications and healing methods. Although, one may combine their previous healing practice with the Krystic Energy System® for a vast increase in power and healing ability, it is a stand alone and is intended to far exceed any current healing practices. This system is Energetic Alchemy and as it comes from the future, is a new paradigm of ‘whole-ing’ without need for slow process. The Krystic Energy System® is not a modality. It is a multi-realm experience of merging and unifying with the Krystic Field to co-facilitate miracles. The KES is measurably the most advanced energy healing/whole-ing system available.


During any Krystic Energy Session, the Server will apply and utilise the most advanced, Highest Vibrational Spiritual Technology, Codes of Light, Ethereal Sound Harmonics, Vibrational Medicines that are made possible by a deep communion with the Krystic Energy System®. This may lead to karmic removal which may have been stuck in physical and emotional looping for possibly lifetimes and will accelerate greatly the receiver’s spiritual ascension. The protocols applied will also reconnect the receiver’s physical vessel to the original blueprint of the Divine Human vessel, thus enabling one to open up to future realities of the Golden Age in a far greater way. It also reconnects one to one’s own Higher Self, true Self, and brings in more of one's Soul’s light into the physical body. This enables the receiver to shine even brighter and become a beacon of ever greater light on this earth. The Krystic Energy System® activates Bio-physical transmutation through the axis point of one’s Spiritual DNA and Bio-Energy Field. And, the Krystic Energy System® connects one directly to the purest, most potent, most sacred and pristine energy field of consciousness. It is a direct link to the Cosmic Kryst and Krystal Star.


KES Chakra Harmonization


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    1088 Allison Hill Rd, Newark Valley, NY 13811-1020  USA

    Created through Wix by Janet Smith

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